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Session Court Grants Seven-Day Police Custody To Eight Accused In Pune Drug Case

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Session Court Grants Seven-Day Police Custody to Eight Accused in Pune Drug Case

Tejas Navale

Pune: The recent revelation of drug consumption at Liquid Leisure Lounge in the Gopal Krishna Gokhale (earlier Fergusson Road) Road created a buzz in Pune city. With the discovery of this case, the issue of drug consumption in the city has once again come to the fore. In the Pune drug case, the session court granted police custody to eight accused until June 29.

After the video of the drug consumption of a few children in the bathroom of Liquid Leisure Lounge went viral, Pune police promptly arrested the accused individuals. They were presented to the session court on Tuesday. In that hearing, the session court accepted the demand of Pune police to grant the accused seven-day police custody and sentence them to police custody until June 29.

The police have taken samples of the blood of the accused children who were presented at the party at the hotel that day. The police learned that two children out of these eight have a criminal background. The police have so far arrested Santosh Kamathe, Utkarsh Deshmane, Yogendra Girase, Ravi Maheshwari, Akshay Kamathe, Rohan Gaikwad, Dinesh Mankar, and others, whereas the search for a young man, Sachin Kamathe, is ongoing.

The police informed that the party in the Liquid Leisure Lounge was organised through social media, and the bill for the party was paid through an online platform. This party continued until 4 a.m. in the morning. Interestingly, this is a clear violation of the regulations, which do not permit the operation of any pub or bar to open after 12.30 in the night.

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