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Retired Judge Hails Rajiv Gandhi  as An Outstanding Prime Minister

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Retired judge hails Rajiv Gandhi   as an outstanding Prime Minister

Pune: B G Kolse-Patil, retired Bombay High Court judge today paid tributes to former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on his 80th birth anniversay.

In his speech, the retired judge said,''Rajiv Gandhi was a sensitive Prime Minister who worked for welfare of the nation

 He was sensitive to the issues of people and took initiatives in their interest.

Kolse-Patil said,''In mid-80s as Bombay high court judge, I had given a judgement. The judgement related to the demand by some private companies who claimed refund of excess excise duty charged by the government. However, I rejected that demand. My judgement said when the private companies were already collecting excise amount from consumers, why should the amount be refunded to them ?"

After the judgement, Kolse-Patil said,''Rajiv Gandhi called me at his residence at 2 am...He told me that it was an excellent judgement which would set new precedent,'' Kolse-Patil said.

The retired judge added,''Rajiv Gandhi accepted that there was a mistake in the Excise Act and then he got the Excise Act amended. Later, I suggested that instead of returning the refund amount to consumers, the amount should be deposited in Consumer Welfare Fund.''

On the occasion, Kolse-Patil garlanded the statue of Rajiv Gandhi at Katraj. The event was organised by Rajiv Gandhi Samarak Samiti. 

In his address, Samiti president Gopaldada Tiwari said,''Rajiv Gandhi had a modern outlook. He brought in computer revolution in the country. The television era started during his tenure. During Covid time, lakhs of people worked from home, thanks to the Rajiv Gandhi who laid of foundation of a modern India."

Congress leader Kamaltai Vyavahare said,''Mobile and internet revolution im India owe their existence to Rajiv Gandhi who started the technological revolution in the country...It was Rajiv Gandhi who as the Prime Minister ensured reservation for women in the local self-government bodies.''

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