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Programme For Foreign Students Held

Posted by Admin3

Programme for Foreign students Held

Pune: Sub-Zonal Office of Indian Council for Cultural Relations(ICCR), Pune, had recently organized a programme for final year foreign students who received scholership from ICCR and are going back to their respective countries. Name of programme was Exit-Engagement-Evening (E-3) Programme and it was held at Sant Dnyaneshwar Hall,Main Building, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

Anju Ranjan, IFS, (Deputy Director General, ICCR) was Chief Guest while Dr. Parag Kalkar, (Pro Vice Chancellor, SPPU) was Guest of Honour for this event.Around 120 scholars students were participated from various countries.Alumni cards were distributed to these students.

Malti Dutta(Assistant Director,Ministry of Tourism),Prasad Bachhav(Deputy Director,CII),Shri.Basavraj(Deputy Director,Khadi and Village Industries Commission),Dr.Gajanan Pawar(Research Officer,Ministry of Ayush),Debmalya Banergy(IndianChamber of Commerce) presented their views.Anuprita Lele was compere for this event.Students presented cultural activities.Janswati( Bangladesh),

 Wali Rahman Rahmani( Afghanistan), Appadu Manupriya( Mauritius),Makara Yan( Cambodia), Ismail Rashid Abdi ( Somalia) expressed gratitude towards India and ICCR in their speeches.

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