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Police Seize CCTV Footage; Found Accused Makandar And Ghatkamble Involved In Financial Dealings

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Police Seize CCTV Footage; Found Accused Makandar and Ghatkamble Involved in Financial Dealings


Tejas Navale

Pune: The Kalyaninagar car accident investigation is going on, and yesterday, police captured CCTV footage of the accused, Ashfaq Makandar, giving a bribe of Rs three lakh to the watchman of Sassoon Hospital, Atul Ghatkamble. Makandar gave this bribe to Ghatkamble to alter the blood reports of the minor accused in the Porsche car accident case.

Surprisingly, this incident took place on the same date when the minor accused was detained by the police. The police found that Ghatkamble received the income from Makandar on the instructions of Sassoon's Forensic Department Head, Dr. Ajay Tavere, and Emergency Department Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Srihari Halnor.

Ashfaq Makandar is said to be an activist of an MLA. Police had earlier arrested Makandar, Ghatkamble, and two concerned doctors in this case.

Earlier, police learned that huge financial dealings took place to alter the blood reports of the minor accused. Accordingly, police took two doctors, Dr. Tavre and Dr. Halnor, into custody, along with watchman Atul Ghatkamble. In the police investigation, Ghatkamble confessed that he had taken a bribe on behalf of Tavre and Halnor. Accordingly, police recovered 2.5 lakh rupees from Dr. Halnor and the remaining 50 thousand rupees from Ghatkamble.

Now, police have recovered CCTV footage in which Makandar and Halnor were seen involved in financial dealing. Makandar is seen to have arrived on a two-wheeler at that time. The police are now finding that two-wheeler.

The accused, Dr. Ajay Tavre, Dr. Srihari Halnor, Atul Ghatakamble, and Amar Gaikwad, were produced in a special court on Friday in the case of changing the blood sample of a minor accused and destroying the evidence. At this time, the police demanded judicial custody of the four, keeping their rights to police custody intact.

Special Judge V. R. Kachare accepted the police demand and sentenced all the accused to judicial custody at Yerawada jail.

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