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Panchgani Is The First Swachh Bharat Point In Maharashtra To Receive ISO Certification

Posted by Admin3

Panchgani is the first Swachh Bharat Point in Maharashtra to receive ISO certification

Panchgani-  Panchgani Municipal Council has recently received ISO 9001:2015 certification for its health department and solid waste treatment plant, which is considered important at the national level. The Municipal Council has received the ISO 9001:2015 certification for the excellent work system implemented by the Health Department in the waste processing plant located at Swachh Bharat Point and the Municipal Council has achieved innovation at the national level. This is pride for Panchgani along with Maharashtra as well as Satara district. Panchgani tourist destination is one of the cleanest cities in India and has been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 certification. This information was given by Nikhil Jadhav, Administrator and Chief Officer of Panchgani Giristhan Municipal Council.

Jadhav said the Swachh Bharat Point in Panchgani is an excellent example of waste management and the centre is working round the clock to dispose of waste in the city in an effective and eco-friendly manner. Wet waste is used to generate electricity and fertilisers, while dry waste is sorted and recycled. A special method is used to dispose of hazardous waste. The proper combination of health and waste management by the Municipal Council has improved the health of the city residents.

The success of ISO 9001:2015 certification for the solid waste treatment plant at Swachh Bharat Point and Health Department is a matter of pride not only for Panchgani but for the entire country and Maharashtra due to the tireless efforts and outstanding performance of Nikhil Jadhav, Administrator and Chief Executive of Panchgani Giristhan Municipal Council along with the officers and employees of the Municipal Council and Shraddha Daryapurkar, President of Swayamprabha Foundation for this remarkable achievement. Panchgani has become a beautiful tourist destination as well as an inspiring model of cleanliness and sustainability. Panchgani Municipal Council is receiving good wishes from Maharashtra due to this remarkable performance.

Framework - With the cooperation of all, Panchgani has been included in the list of clean cities of India - Nikhil Jadhav ISO rating is a certification of quality and reliability of a particular product. Here, the project implemented by the Municipal Council is for the people and its functioning has been given ISO rating, which is quite valuable. There are many factors that contribute to achieving the ranking position.  Thanks to everyone's cooperation, Panchgani has been included in the list of clean cities of India.

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