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Now, A Plane Collides With A Vehicle At Pune Airport, No One Injured

Posted by Admin3

Now, a plane collides  with a vehicle at Pune Airport, no    one injured

Photo Credit:  Times of India 

Pune: Now this is something Puneites have rarely heard. A plane colliding with a tractor ? It actually happened at Pune airport.

An Air India flight which has 180 passengers which was to head for Delhi ran into a ''tug tractor'' on the runway of the Pune Airport today. Luckily, all the passengers are safe. The Directorate General of Aviation has launched an investigation into the collision.

Airport officials said the aircraft has suffered some damage to its nose. Also, a true of the aircraft has suffered damage.

Immediately, after the accident, the passengers some of whom were in some sort of panic were made to disemabrk. Officials said they had arrangements for the passengers to fly by another plane.

Sources said the tug tractor is used for manoeuvring the aircraft on the ground. It collided with the plane during the taxiing process.

Air India said the airline has given full refund to the passengers and made arrangement for complimentary rescheduling.

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