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Not All Babies Of Zika-affected Pregnant Women Have Complications: Experts

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Not all babies of zika affected pregnant women have complications Experts

Pune: Zika is a dengue-like viral disease. If a pregnant woman contracts it, her child can develop various complications, including that of the brain. However, not all babies are affected by it. They fall in a high risk category for the infection. Zika virus-affected pregnant women need not worry. They should consult their gynecologist and undergo sonography or other tests as per their advice, said experts.

The foetus is also affected through the umbilical cord if the mother contracts the virus. The child has a risk of microcephaly, ie reduction of the brain size. The child may have some other deformities on birth. It has ‘congenital anomaly’, in which the brain does not develop. It can also cause miscarriage or pre-mature birth. It is called ‘Zika Syndrome’, said the State Health Department.

The zika virus comes under the flavivirus category and spreads through the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. It bites during the daytime. The first zika patient in the State was found in Purandar taluka in July 2021. Now, 21 patients have been reported in the city, out of them five are women.

Dr Milind Telang, senior gynecologist, said, “It cannot be surely said how the zika virus would affect the baby. It depends on the severity of the infection for the mother, the viral load and how much of it is transferred to the foetus. It has bigger impact in the first three months but has lesser effect after three months of pregnancy. Immediate treatment can avoid further complications. One must monitor the growth of the foetus.”

Dr Pradip Sambarey, former HOD, Gynecology, BJ Medical College, said, “Pregnant women have weak immunity. They should take care against the zika virus. Not all babies of zika-affected pregnant women are affected. Sonography and other treatment can be taken as per the gynecologist’s advice. Abortion can be confirmed only after consulting the experts. Care should be taken that mosquitoes do not breed in and outside homes.”

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