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Minor Driver Causes Accident In Wanwadi; Woman Severely Injured

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Minor Driver Causes Accident in Wanwadi; Woman Severely Injured

Tejas Navale

Pune:In a shocking incident in Pune's Wanwadi area, a 14-year-old boy driving a tanker collided with a two-wheeler, severely injuring a woman. The accident occurred early this morning when a group of girls and one woman were out for exercise on their bikes.

According to witnesses, the minor boy was driving the tanker at high speed when he rammed into the two-wheeler from behind. The impact caused the woman to fall under the tanker, resulting in major injuries. Several girls were also struck by the tanker, though their injuries were less severe.

Santosh Dhume, an alert municipal corporation employee passing by with his wife, showed commendable promptness by pulling the injured woman out from under the tanker and rushing her to a nearby hospital for immediate treatment.

The nearby residents quickly apprehended the young tanker driver, only to discover that he was a 14-year-old boy. The concerned citizens then handed the minor over to the Wanwadi Police, who are now conducting a thorough investigation into the case.

Local residents have expressed their outrage over the incident and are demanding stricter action against the accused. They are calling for measures to prevent such recurring incidents in the city and ensure that minors do not have access to vehicles.

The police have taken the minor driver into custody and are investigating how he came to be driving the tanker. Questions are being raised about the responsibility of the vehicle owner and the supervision of the minor.

This incident once again recalled Puneites a shocking Kalyaninagar car accident case whose ripples are still being felt in the city.

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