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Maharashtra Congress Predicts Sunset For Modi Sarkar.

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Maharashtra Congress predicts sunset for Modi Sarkar.

By Aryan

Pune: The Maharashtra Congress is predicting defeat for Modi Sarkar though the exit poll are giving a resounding victory to NDA. The counting of votes is taking place tomorrow across the country.

 In a press release, Maharashtra Congress today claimed that Modi era is set to end on Tuesday.

''After the counting of votes tomorrow in the country, the BJP and Modi Sarkar will disaapear. There will be a decisive end to dictatorial government's 10 year run during which our sacred democracy suffered a reversal. The entire country will breathe easy tomorrow as it will be freed from the Modi Government,'' said Mr Gopaldada Tiwari, spokesperson for Maharashtra Congress, in a press release.

Mr Gopaldada Tiwari said, ''The Prime Minister during his entire campaigning period made no reference to his tall claims on reform, perform and transform. He did speak nor did he review the past 10 years performance. He did not probably feel the need to tell the people as to what happened during the 10 years of his tenure.''

The Congress said across the country, the INDIA bloc will get 295 seats. ''We will get a comfortable majority and will be back in the saddle. The decision regarding who will be the Prime Minister will be taken jointly by leaders of INDIA bloc,'' Gopaldada Tiwari said.

As for Maharashtra, Mr Gopaldada Tiwari said, ''All our MVA leaders are confident that we will win 35 seats out of 38. We might even win more than that. Let us wait for the final outcome.''

Mr Gopaldada Tiwari further said, ''The Prime Minister was also during his tenure making tall calls on speed, scale, scope and standard of his government. But at the end of his tenure, he forgot about all those claims.''

''It was good that the Prime Minister remembers the resolutions made by Swami Viveknand in 1897...However, Mahatma Gandhi chased the same resolutions and through his means of non-violence and truth, he took the country towards freedom. Congress leaders of all hues and cries lent their big support to the Mahatma's fight against the Britishers which ultimately led to India freeing itself from the colonial yoke in 1947. Will our Prime Minister credit the Mahatma and the Congress for making the freedom possible. One only hopes that the Modi will not forget the path adopted by Mahatma Gandhi,'' Gopaldada Tiwari said.

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