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Sale Of Rice Under OMSS (D) By FCI, Regional Office Maharashtra

Posted by Admin3

Sale of Rice under OMSS (D) by FCI, Regional Office Maharashtra


Mumbai, August 16, 2024: Food Corporation of India (FCI), Regional Office Maharashtra, has started to offer Rice for sale from the 1st week of August, 2024 under Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic).

Buyers willing to purchase Rice stocks may get empanelled themselves with FCI’s e-auction Service Provider “m-Junction Services Limited” ( and bid for Stocks. The empanelment process would be completed within 72 hours for any party who wish to register their names. Total 20000 MT Rice stock is being offered under all over Maharashtra region including Goa state for upcoming auction dated 21.08.2024. Traders/Bulk buyers/Manufacturers for rice can participate. The minimum quantity of 1 MT and maximum bidding quantity per bidder shall not exceed 2000 MT for Rice. 

OMSS (D) scheme will help containing the rising prices and will bring much relief to the common man stated a press release.

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