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Now, Essay Contest On Porshe Mishap By Congress

Posted by Admin3

Now, Essay Contest on Porshe mishap by Congress

Pune: The fatal Porshe car accident which has hit the national headline has evoked an outrage among Puneites. 

They are protesting, demonstrating and holding sit-in protests, demanding action against the 17 year old boy who was responsbile for the death of 24 year old Anish Awadhiya and 24 year old Ashwini Koshta in Kalyaninagar area of Pune city. Though underaged, the 17 year old driving his luxury car at a speed of 160 kilo metre per hour rammed into the two-wheeler of the two youngsters, killing them on the spot.

The Pune City Congress which has been demanding action against the Pune Police Commissioner and some of his officers who allegedly initially filed a weak case against the 17 year old have now organised an essay contest. The essay contest is similar to the bail condition set by the Juvenile Justice Board to the 17 year old. The JJB had asked the 17 year old to a write a 300 word essay ''Effect of road accidents and their solution.''

Congress MLA Ravindra Dhangekar who is in the forefront of the protests against the Pune police said the essay contest is being organised outside the pub where the the 17 year old consumed alcohol with three of his friends.

Mr Dhangekar has listed four topics

for the essay contest ?

(1) Who killed Ashwini and Anish

 (2) The side effects of alcohol

(3) What if my father was a builder

(4) My favourite luxury car

The Congress has said that it will give away prizes to the winner. ''The aim is to generate awarenes among the people about the dangerous effects of rash driving and drink and drive,'' the Congress said.

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