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English Rendering Of PM’s Address To The Indian Diaspora, New York, USA

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English rendering of PM’s address to the Indian Diaspora, New York, USA

New Delhi:

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Bharat Mata ki – Jai!

Namaste U.S.! Now even our “Namaste” has gone multinational, transitioning from local to global, and it's all because of you. Every Indian who holds Bharat close to their heart has made this possible.


You’ve come here from far and wide. Some faces are familiar, while others are new. Your love is a great honour for me. I recall the days when I wasn't a PM, wasn't a CM, wasn't a leader at all. Back then, I used to come here as an inquisitive traveller, eager to see and understand this land, carrying many questions in my mind. Even when I held no official position, I had already toured almost 29 states in America. Later, when I became a CM, I continued connecting with you through technology. As a PM, too, I’ve received immense affection and warmth from you. In 2014, it was Madison Square; Sam Jose in 2015; Houston in 2019; Washington in 2023; and now New York in 2024, and each time, you surpass the last record.


I’ve always recognized the strength of the Indian diaspora. Even when I held no official post, I understood it, and I understand it today. You have always been Bharat’s strongest brand ambassadors for me. That’s why I call you the ‘Rashtradoot’ (nation’s emissaries). You’ve connected America to Bharat and Bharat to America. Your skills, talent, and commitment are unparalleled. Though you’ve crossed seven seas, no ocean is deep enough to separate you from the Bharat that resides in your hearts. What Maa Bharti has taught us, we can never forget. Wherever we go, we treat everyone like family. Embracing diversity, living it, and integrating it into our lives—these are our values, embedded in our very being. We are from a country with hundreds of languages and dialects, home to every religion and sect. Yet, we move forward as one and united. In this very hall, some speak Tamil, others Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi, Marathi, or Gujarati. Our languages may differ, but our spirit is one: “Bharat Mata ki Jai” (Victory to Mother Bharat), the spirit of Indianness. This is our greatest strength in connecting with the world. These values naturally make us ‘Vishwa Bandhu’ (global friend). As our scriptures say, तेन त्यक्तेन भुंजीथा: meaning those who sacrifice are the ones who truly enjoy. We find happiness by doing good to others and by sacrificing. Wherever we live, this spirit remains unchanged. We contribute maximum to the societies we live in. In America, be it as doctors, researchers, tech professionals, scientists, or in other professions, you’ve soared high, and the world has witnessed it. Just a short while ago the T-20 Cricket World Cup was held here and the USA team played amazingly, and the world has also seen the contribution of the Indians living here in that team.


For the world, AI means artificial intelligence, but I believe AI stands for America-India. This America-India spirit is the AI power of the new world, elevating Bharat-America relations. I salute all of you, the Indian diaspora. 


Wherever I go in the world, I hear nothing but praise for the Indian diaspora from every leader. Just yesterday, President Biden invited me to his home in Delaware. His warmth and hospitality were truly touching. This honour is for 140 crore Indians, for your hard work, for the millions of Indians living here. I extend my gratitude to President Biden and to all of you. 


The year 2024 is crucial for the world. On one side, we see conflicts and tensions among nations, while on the other, some countries are celebrating democracy. Bharat and America are together in this celebration of democracy. Elections are upcoming here in the U.S., while Bharat has already held its elections. These elections in Bharat were the largest in human history. You can imagine: almost double the number of voters as the total population of the U.S., and more voters than the entire population of Europe! So many people cast their votes in Bharat. When we see the scale of Bharat’s democracy, it fills us with pride. A three-month-long polling process, 15 million polling staff, over a million polling stations, more than 2,500 political parties, more than 8,000 candidates, thousands of newspapers in different languages, hundreds of radio stations, TV news channels, millions of social media accounts, lakhs of social media channels—all of this makes Bharat’s democracy vibrant. It’s an era of expanding freedom of expression, and our electoral process undergoes scrutiny at this level.

And friends, 

This long election process has led to something unprecedented in Bharat this time. What happened? What happened? What happened? ‘Abki Baar – ’ (This time again—), ‘Abki Baar – ’ (This time again—), ‘Abki Baar – ’ (This time again—)!


Our government has been re-elected for the third time. This hadn’t happened in Bharat in the last 60 years. The mandate the people of Bharat has given us is huge and significant. In this third term, we have even greater goals to achieve. We must move forward with three times the strength and three times the speed. You’ll remember one word: PUSHP (flower). Yes, consider it a lotus, I have no objections. PUSHP, and I define this PUSHP. P for Progressive Bharat, U for Unstoppable Bharat, S for Spiritual Bharat, H for Humanity First Bharat, and P for Prosperous Bharat. Together, these five petals of PUSHP will shape a ‘Viksit Bharat’ (Developed India).


I am the first Prime Minister of Bharat born after independence. During the freedom struggle, millions of Indians dedicated their lives to Swaraj (self-rule). They didn’t think of their personal interests or comfort zones; they forgot everything and fought against the British. Some were hanged, some were shot, some endured torturous imprisonment, and many spent their youth in jail.


We couldn’t die for our country, but we can surely live for it. Dying wasn’t in our destiny, but living is our destiny. Right from day one, my mind and mission has been clear. I couldn’t give my life for ‘Swaraj’ (independence), but I decided to dedicate my life to ‘Suraj’ (good governance) and a ‘Samridh’ (prosperous) Bharat. A large part of my life was spent wandering across the country for years. Wherever I found food, I ate; wherever I found a place to sleep, I slept. From the shores of the ocean to the mountains, from deserts to snow-covered peaks, I met people from every region, got to know and understand them. I gained first-hand experience of my country's life, its culture, and its challenges. Though my path was different, destiny brought me into politics. I never imagined becoming a Chief Minister, but I became Gujarat’s longest-serving CM for 13 years. I remained Gujarat’s Chief Minister for 13 years and then people promoted me to Prime Minister. But the lessons I learned traveling through the country have shaped my governance model, both at the state and central levels. Over the past 10 years, the success of this governance model is evident to you and the world. And now, with great trust, the people of Bharat have given me a third term. I approach this third term with three times the sense of responsibility.


Today, Bharat is one of the world’s youngest nations. Bharat is filled with energy and dreams. Every day, new records are being set. Every day, new news. Just today, we received great news: Bharat won gold in both men's and women's categories at the Chess Olympiad. But let me tell you one more thing, which will require even more applause. For the first time in nearly 100 years, this has happened! The whole country and every Indian is proud of our chess players. There’s another AI driving Bharat. And what is that? It is A for Aspirational and I for Bharat: Aspirational Bharat. This is our new energy. The aspirations of millions of Indians are driving Bharat’s growth. Every aspiration is giving rise to new achievements, and every achievement is fuelling new aspirations. In just one decade, Bharat has risen from the 10th to the 5th largest economy. Now every Indian wants Bharat to quickly become the third-largest economy. Today, a large section of Bharat’s population has seen their basic needs met. Over the past 10 years, crores of people have gained access to clean cooking gas, piped water, electricity, and toilets. These crores of people now aspire to a better quality of life.


Now, the people of Bharat don't just want roads; they want magnificent expressways. Now, the people of Bharat don’t just want rail connectivity; they want high-speed trains. Every city in Bharat aspires to have metro services, and every city wants its own airport. Every citizen, whether from a village or a city, wants world-class facilities, and we are seeing the results of these aspirations. In 2014, only 5 cities in Bharat had metro services; today, 23 cities have metros. Bharat now has the second-largest metro network in the world, and it is expanding every day.


In 2014, only 70 cities in Bharat had airports; today, more than 140 cities have airports. In 2014, fewer than 100 gram panchayats had broadband connectivity; today, more than 200,000 panchayats have it. In 2014, Bharat had around 140 million LPG consumers; today, the number has risen to over 310 million. What used to take years to accomplish is now being completed in months. There is a new confidence in Bharat’s people, a determination to reach their goals. Development in Bharat is becoming a people's movement, and every Indian is becoming an equal partner in this movement of development. They believe in Bharat’s success and in its achievements.


Today, Bharat is a land of opportunities. Bharat no longer waits for opportunities; Bharat creates opportunities. Over the past 10 years, Bharat has prepared a new launching pad for opportunities in every sector. Look at this – just in the last decade, and this will make you proud, 25 crore people have been lifted out of poverty. How did this happen? It happened because we changed the old mindset and approach. We focused on empowering the poor. We connected more than 500 million people to the banking system, provided more than 550 million people with free medical treatment up to 500,000 rupees, gave over 40 million families proper housing, and through collateral-free loans, we provided millions of people with ease of credit. Many such initiatives helped people lift themselves out of poverty, and those who have emerged from poverty today form the neo-middle class, which is driving Bharat's development at a faster pace.


We have prioritized women-led development alongside women's welfare. The crores of houses built by the government have been registered in the name of women. Out of the crores of bank accounts opened, more than half were in women's names. Over the past decade, 10 crore Indian women have joined the Micro Entrepreneurship Scheme. Let me give you another example. We are making significant efforts to integrate agriculture with technology in Bharat, and today, drones are being used extensively in farming. While drones may not be new to you, what might surprise you is this: do you know who is taking responsibility for them? It’s rural women. We are training thousands of women to become drone pilots, and this remarkable technological revolution in agriculture is being driven by rural women.


The areas once neglected have now become national priorities. Bharat is more connected today than ever before. You may be astonished to learn the current size of Bharat's 5G market. Would you mind if I told you? Today, Bharat's 5G market is larger than that of the United States, and this achievement has been made within just two years. Now, Bharat is working on Made-in-India 6G. How did this happen? It happened because we devised policies to advance this sector. We invested in Made-in-India technology, affordable data, and mobile phone manufacturing. Today, nearly every major mobile brand in the world is Made in India. Bharat is now the second-largest mobile manufacturer globally. There was a time, before my tenure, when we were importing mobile phones; today, we are exporting them.

Friends, Bharat no longer lags behind. Now, Bharat creates new systems and leads the way. Bharat has introduced the world to a new concept of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI). DPI has promoted equality and become a powerful tool in reducing corruption. Bharat's UPI is now capturing the world's attention. While you may have a wallet in your pocket, in Bharat, people have both physical wallets and e-wallets on their phones. Many Indians no longer carry physical documents, as they now use DigiLocker. When travelling to airports, they seamlessly use DigiYatra. This has become the launching pad for digital public infrastructure, innovation, job creation, and every related technology.


Bharat will not stop now, nor will it slow down. Bharat envisions a future where as many global devices as possible operate on Made-in-India chips. We have made the semiconductor sector the foundation of Bharat's accelerated growth. In June last year, Bharat announced incentives for the semiconductor industry, and just a few months later, the foundation stone for Micron's first semiconductor unit was laid. To date, five such units have been approved in Bharat. The day is not far when you will see Made-in-India chips here in America as well. This small chip will elevate Bharat's journey towards development to unprecedented heights, and that’s Modi’s promise.


The resolve and commitment towards reforms in Bharat today are unprecedented. Our Green Energy Transition Programme is a prime example of this. Despite accounting for 17 percent of the world's population, Bharat's contribution to global carbon emissions is only 4 percent. We played no part in harming the planet. In fact, compared to the rest of the world, our impact is nearly negligible. We, too, could have fuelled our growth by relying on carbon emissions, but we chose the path of green transition, guided by our deep-rooted respect for nature. As a result, we are investing heavily in solar, wind, hydro, green hydrogen, and nuclear energy. Bharat was the first country in the G20 to achieve the Paris climate goals. Since 2014, our solar energy capacity has increased by over 30 times. We are working to make every home in the country a solar-powered home. To achieve this, we have launched an extensive rooftop solar mission. Today, our railway stations and airports are transitioning to solar energy. From homes to streets, Bharat has embarked on a journey towards energy-efficient lighting. These efforts are generating a large number of green jobs in Bharat.


21st-century Bharat is advancing through education, skills, research, and innovation. You are all familiar with the name Nalanda University. Not long ago, Bharat's ancient Nalanda University was revived in a modern form. Today, it’s not only the university but also the spirit of Nalanda that is being reborn. We are creating a modern educational ecosystem that attracts students from across the globe to come to Bharat and study. Over the past 10 years, something remarkable has happened in Bharat. In this period, one new university has been built in Bharat every week, two new colleges have been established every day, and one new ITI has opened each day. In a decade, the number of IIITs has risen from 9 to 25, IIMs from 13 to 21, and AIIMS has tripled to 22. The number of medical colleges has nearly doubled in the same period. Today, even the world's top universities are coming to Bharat. Bharat is now renowned. The world has long witnessed the power of Indian designers; now it will witness the brilliance of 'Design in India'.


Today, Bharat's partnerships are expanding globally. Previously, Bharat followed a policy of Equal Distance, but now it embraces a policy of Equal Proximity. We are also becoming a strong voice for the Global South. You may have noticed that, due to Bharat's initiative, the African Union was granted permanent membership at the G20 Summit. Today, when Bharat speaks on the global stage, the world listens. Not long ago, when I said, "This is not the era of war," the gravity of the statement was understood worldwide.


Whenever there is a crisis anywhere in the world, Bharat is one of the first to respond. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we sent vaccines and medicines to over 150 countries. Whether it was an earthquake, a cyclone, or a civil war, we were among the first to offer assistance. This is a reflection of the values and teachings passed down by our ancestors.


Bharat is emerging as a new catalyst on the global stage, and its influence will be felt across all sectors. Bharat's role will be crucial in accelerating global growth, promoting global peace, advancing climate action, closing the global skills gap, driving innovation, and stabilising the global supply chain.


For Bharat, power and capability are symbolised by "ज्ञानायदानायचरक्षणाय", meaning knowledge is for sharing, wealth is for caring, and power is for protecting. Therefore, Bharat's priority is not to impose its dominance but to enhance its influence. We are not like fire that burns; we are like the sun’s rays that provide light. We do not seek to dominate the world but to contribute to its prosperity. Whether it's promoting yoga, advocating for superfood millets, or championing the Mission LiFE vision (Lifestyle for the Environment), Bharat is prioritizing human-centric growth alongside GDP-centric growth. I urge you all to promote Mission LiFE as much as possible here. Small changes in our lifestyle can have a significant positive impact on the environment.

You may have heard, and perhaps some of you have already participated, in a movement that’s gaining momentum in Bharat. Across the country, people are planting a tree in honour of their mothers (Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam). If your mother is alive, plant a tree along with her. If she is no longer with us, plant a tree in her memory - carry a picture of her with you and plant a tree. This movement is taking place in every corner of Bharat, and I encourage all of you to initiate a similar campaign here. This will not only honour the mothers who gave us life but also our Mother Earth.


Bharat today dreams big and pursues those dreams with determination. The Paris Olympics concluded just a few days ago, and the next host will be the USA. Soon, you will also witness the Olympics being held in Bharat. We are making every possible effort to host the 2036 Olympics. Whether in sports, business, or entertainment, Bharat has become a centre of global attraction. Today, Indian leagues like the IPL rank among the world’s top leagues, and Indian films are making waves internationally. Bharat is also soaring in global tourism. There is a growing interest in celebrating Indian festivals across different countries. I notice that people in cities everywhere are now learning Garba for Navratri—this reflects their love for Bharat.


Today, every country seeks to learn more about Bharat. I have something else that will bring you joy. Just yesterday, America returned 300 ancient inscriptions and statues to Bharat, some as old as 1,500 to 2,000 years, which had been stolen from Bharat So far, the United States has returned around 500 such artefacts to Bharat. This is not just about the return of a few items; it is a tribute to our rich heritage spanning thousands of years. It is a matter of pride for Bharat and for all of you. I am deeply grateful to the US ggovernment for this gesture.


The partnership between Bharat and the United States is growing stronger by the day. Our collaboration is for the benefit of the world. We are enhancing cooperation across all sectors, and your convenience has been taken into account as well. Last year, I announced that our government would open a new Consulate in Seattle, which has now become operational. I had also sought your suggestions for the opening of two more consulates, and I am pleased to inform you that, based on your feedback, Bharat has decided to open two new consulates in Boston and Los Angeles.

I am also delighted to announce the establishment of the Thiruvalluvar Chair for Tamil Studies at the University of Houston. This will further help in propagating the philosophy of the great Tamil saint Thiruvalluvar to the world.


This event of yours has truly been remarkable. The cultural programme that took place here was fantastic. I have been informed that thousands of people wished to attend this event, but the venue proved to be too small. I apologise to those whom I couldn't meet today. I look forward to meeting all of you next time, at another venue on another day. However, I know the enthusiasm will remain the same, and the passion will remain undiminished. May you all stay healthy and prosperous, and continue to strengthen the India-US friendship. With these wishes, I extend my heartfelt thanks to you all!

Join me in saying:

Bharat Mata ki Jai!

Bharat Mata ki Jai!

Bharat Mata ki Jai!

Many thanks.

DISCLAIMER: This is the approximate translation of PM’s speech. Original speech was delivered in Hindi , stated a press release.

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