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Cong Flays PM Over Mahatma Popularity

Posted by Admin3

Cong flays PM  Over Mahatma  popularity

By Aryan

THE Maharashtra Congress has criticised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for linking the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi to the film -- ''Gandhi'' which was made in 1982 by Richard Attenborough.

''Mahatma Gandhi led the decisive freedom struggle of Indians from 1932 to 1947. Through various protests like non-cooperation, Chale Jao movement, salt satyagrah and burning of foreign goods, he galvanised Indians and fought against the British empire through truth and non-violence,'' said Mr Gopaldada Tiwari, spokesperson for Maharashtra Congress in a press release.

Referring to the interview given by Prime Minister to a news channel, Mr Tiwari said,''Mahahta Gandhi led India's freedom struggle and freed it from British slavery of 150 years. And Prime Minister is demeaning the same individual who allowed us to breathe freely in our own country. The Prime Minister in the interview said no one knew of Mahatma Gandhi globally till a film was made on him. There cannot be any more humiliating words for the Father of the Nation than these ones. He has devalued the Mahatma.''

Modi ji should worry about the goals and principles of 'Mahatma Gandhi' rather than his fame. The Mahatma became renowned around the world because of his fight for freedom through peaceful and nonm-voilent method and not because of a film. The Prime Minister believes that if people had seen the movie, they would not have understood Bapu. We all know the real face of Modi Government. It gives Padmashri to a dancer who loudly declared that India got freedom by begging...What a shame,'' Mr Tiwari said.

 Mr Tiwari said that the country's honour has been brought down to shame around the world by the indecent statement of the country's Prime Minister showing disrespect towards the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi.

''Mahatma Gandhi's non-violent and satyagrah movement was noted around the world and after his death, the United Nations flag was flown at half-mast, while statues were erected in over 150 countries, and World Non-Violence Day was celebrated. Modi's childish, ugly attempt to underestimate the unique importance of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, should be called intellectual bankruptcy,'' Mr said.

Mr Tiwari said it is necessary to study what were the 11 vows and 7 social sins as enumerated by Bapu as well as what was his 'concept of welfare state', rather than the fame of Mahatma Gandhi. 

Mr Tiwari further said, while giving a one-sided interview to the media, the Prime Minister of India, who celebrated the 75 years of independence by spending crores of government budget of the country, however, deliberately forgot the role of the father of independence and made a surprising and unexpected statement that no one knew Mahatma Gandhi but the release of his film made him known globally.

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