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In Baramati, It Is Sharad Pawar Versus Ajit Pawar

Posted by Admin3

Sharad Pawar versus Ajit Pawar

Pune: BARAMATI is witnessing an unusual battle. It is not between candidates Supriya Sule or Sunetra Pawar. It is actually between two stalwarts Sharad Pawar and Ajit Pawar.

On the concluding day of the campaigning on Sunday, the Sharad Pawar versus Ajit Pawar fight was on display. 

There were two rallies organised in Baramati city. One by NCP led by Sharad Pawar and another by NCP led by Ajit Pawar. Both the rallies were held a little distance away from each other, yet both drew massive response.

At Sharad Pawar rally, there were desperate urge among Baramatikars to see him, hear him speak and send out a strong signal that they are with him.

At Ajit Pawar rally, it was all about the development work that he has carried out in Baramati and the number of development projects that he has managed to get sanctions from the state government.

At Sharad Pawar rally, Ajit Pawar was the target. NCP (S-P) attacked him for joining hands with BJP and questioning the leadership of Sharad Pawar and ditching him at this age. Supriya, Sule, Amol Kolhe and Rohit Pawar led the charge against Ajit Pawar. In fact, Rohit Pawar also broke down while narrating a statement made by Sharad Pawar when the NCP splits.

At Ajit Pawar rally, it was all about development, development and development. He criticised his cousin for doing little on the development front in here 15 year tenure as MP. He credited himself for taking ensuring the progress of Baramati.

Ajit Pawar harped on his old theme of getting an MP of his choice and "same ideogoloy'' elected. He meant to say that if an MP his party is elected, then the Prime Minister will not hesistate to release central funds for development. He taunted his sister for getting Sansad Ratna awards by making speeches in Lok Sabha.

Supriya Sule was not left to be behind. She said Sansad Ratna award was given to her by a BJP Minister and on merit. She asserted that only free speeches in a democracy like ours will ensure development while taking a jibe at her elder brother.

The outpouring of support for Sharad Pawar in Baramati was seen to be believed. It is clear that Baramatikars have still not made up their mind as to whom to vote. Both saheb and dada seem to be close to their heart.

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